Microsoft XP end of support alternative

If you use Windows XP you may have recieved a message from Microsoft saying they have stopped updating it. This means, from April, any security problems will not be fixed and Microsoft Security Essentials will not be updated.
Windows XP will not stop working but will gradually get less secure.

If you don’t want the expense of a new PC or laptop I can install a new free operating system called Ubuntu on most older computers. There are several versions so one should be suitable for you.

It has alternative programs for web browsing, email, Office tasks and will work with most printers. It is also less prone to virus attacks.

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Microsoft scam

Don’t fall for the latest scam. Lots of people are being contacted on the phone by people claiming to be from Microsoft or Windows. The idea is either to sell you some software that will report you have loads of faults on your computer and pretend to fix them or to remotely take it over. Often the programs supplied contain viruses. Remember Microsoft say they will never contact you by phone.

If you think you have been infected contact me for a check.

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September 6, 2011 Leave a comment

Some of the local computer shops are charging as much as £40 just to give you an opinion about the fault on your computer. Actual repairs cost extra.

With no shop overheads I charge £40 for the first two hours work – no fix no fee.

Categories: Uncategorized

Safe Computing

Did you know you can install a safe and free operating system called Linux instead of virus and spy-ware infested systems like Windows XP/Vista/7.

There are several different Linux systems some just general PC’s and others aimed at multimedia or education.

Linux uses the same programs for things like web browsing such as Firefox and Google Chrome and Thunderbird will be familiar to many people as an email program. Libre Office is the Linux equivalent of Microsoft Office and it will do most things Office can do including reading and writing Office documents.

If you don’t want to abandon Windows completely you can install Linux beside Windows and use Linux for safe web browsing.

If you have an older computer it can be given a new lease of life as you don’t have to run speed sapping anti virus programs and it doesn’t cost £140 for Windows Home Premium as Linux systems are just the cost of a cd.

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The Perils of the Internet: who profits from millions of online attacks?

September 25, 2010 1 comment

The Perils of the Internet: who profits from millions of online attacks?
Kaspersky Lab has released an article entitled “The Perils of the Internet” authored by malware analyst Eugene Aseev. As the title suggests, this article looks at the threats which make web surfing risky.

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